Dimensional Data Warehousing with MySQL: A Tutorial
by Djoni Darmawikarta
ISBN: 9780975212820
$39.95, 448 pages

Data warehousing with MySQL, a free and popular database, has never been made easier with this step-by-step tutorial on building dimensional data warehouses. Topics include star-schema modeling, populating (Extract, Transform, and Load: ETL), testing, and dimensional querying. It comes complete with a hands-on case?scaled-down from a real project?as well as an electronic copy of all MySQL scripts and sample data available for download. Computer programmers who need to build a data warehouse will find relevant examples and information written in a thorough, easy-to-follow style.

Table of Contents

  - What This Book Is About and What It Is Not
  - Who This Book Is For
  - Prerequisite Skills
  - What You Will Get from This Book
  - Chapters Overview
  - Code Download
Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Basic Components
  - The Star Schema
  - Surrogate Keys
  - Tasks
  - Summary
Chapter 2: Dimension History
  - Slowly Changing Dimension Techniques
  - Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1 (SCD1)
  - Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2 (SCD2)
  - Summary
Chapter 3: Measure Additivity
  - Fully-Additive Measures
  - Testing Fully-Additivity
  - Summary
Chapter 4: Dimensional Queries
  - Applying Dimensional Queries
  - Aggregate Queries
  - Specific Queries
  - Inside-Out Queries
  - Summary
Part II: Extract, Transform, and Load
Chapter 5: Source Extraction
  - Whole Source or Change Data Capture (CDC)
  - Pull by Data or Push by Source
  - Push-by-source CDC on Sales Orders Extraction
  - Testing
  - Summary
Chapter 6: Populating the Date Dimension
  - Pre-population
  - Testing Pre-Population
  - One-Date-Every-Day
  - Loading Dates from the Source
  - Summary
Chapter 7: Initial Population
  - Source Data
  - Initial Population Script
  - Running the Initial Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 8: Regular Population
  - Identifying Data Sources and Loading Types
  - Regular Population Script
  - Testing Data
  - Summary
Chapter 9: Regular Population Scheduling
  - Preparing the Batch File
  - Scheduling the Batch Job
  - Summary
Part III: Growth
Chapter 10: Adding Columns
  - Enhancing the Schema
  - Revising Regular Population Script
  - Testing
  - Summary
Chapter 11. On-Demand Population
  - Enhancing the Schema
  - Performing On-Demand Population
  - Testing
  - Summary
Chapter 12: Subset Dimensions
  - Month Roll-up Dimension
  - Pennsylvania Customer Dimension
  - Revising the Regular Population
  - Testing the Revised Regular Population
  - Summary
  - Download ChapterDownload Chapter
Chapter 13: Dimension Role Playing
  - Adding Request Delivery Dates
  - Table Alias Implementation
  - Database View
  - Summary
  - Download ChapterDownload Chapter
Chapter 14: Snapshots
  - Periodic Snapshots
  - Accumulating Snapshots
  - Preparing Data for Regular Population
  - Summary
Chapter 15: Dimension Hierarchies
  - Hierarchies in A Data Warehouse
  - Grouping and Drilling Queries
  - Summary
Chapter 16: Multi-Path and Ragged Hierarchies
  - Adding A Hierarchy
  - Adding 2006 Data
  - Hierarchical Queries
  - Ragged Hierarchies
  - Summary
Chapter 17: Degenerate Dimensions
  - Degenerating the Order Dimension
  - Revising the Regular Population Script
  - Testing the Revised Regular Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 18: Junk Dimensions
  - Adding the Sales Order Attribute Junk Dimension
  - Revising the Regular Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 19: Multi-Star Schemas
  - The New Star Schema
  - Populating the New Star?s Tables
  - Testing
  - Summary
Part IV: Advanced Techniques
Chapter 20: Non-straight Sources
  - Overview
  - Revising the Campaign Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 21: Factless Facts
  - Product Launch Factless Facts
  - Revising the DW Regular Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 22: Late Arrival Facts
  - Handling Late Arrival Facts
  - Testing
  - Summary
Chapter 23: Dimension Consolidation
  - Revising the Data Warehouse Schema
  - Testing the Zip Code Dimension Implementation
  - Revising the production_fact Table
  - Testing the Factory Zip Codes
  - Revising the Regular Population Script
  - Testing the Revised Regular Population Script
  - Revising the Production Regular Population Script
  - Testing the Revised Production Regular Population Script
  - Summary
Chapter 24: Accumulated Measures
  - The Revised Schema
  - Initial Population
  - Testing the Initial Population Script
  - Regular Population
  - Example Queries
  - Summary
Chapter 25: Band Dimensions
  - Annual Sales Order Star Schema
  - Initial Population
  - Revising the Regular Population Script
  - Testing
  - Summary
Appendix A: Flat File Data Sources