Oracle SQL: A Beginner's Tutorial
by Djoni Darmawikarta
ISBN: 9780980839647
$14.99, 136 pages

This introduction to SQL for the Oracle database begins by discussing exactly how data is stored and maintained in a relational database, familiarizing readers with SQL INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The guide then discusses how to construct basic queries, choose an appropriate output, and how to create and use groups. Readers will also learn how to use joins to query data from multiple tables, how to create predefined views that can be stored in a database, and how to utilize the metadata of a database. Appendices round out the book, covering the various indexing techniques available in the Oracle database and discussing how to install Oracle Database Express Edition and list the Oracle built-in data types.

Table of Contents

  - SQL Overview
  - About This Book
  - Coding Convention
  - Code Download
Chapter 1: Storing and Maintaining Data
  - Selecting A Database to Use
  - Creating a Table
  - Adding Data
  - Updating Data
  - Deleting Data
  - Summary
Chapter 2: Basic Queries
  - The SELECT statement
  - Querying All Data
  - Selecting Specific Columns
  - Selecting Rows with WHERE
  - Compound Conditions
  - Evaluation Precedence and the Use of Parentheses
  - The NOT logical operator
  - The BETWEEN Operator
  - The IN Operator
  - The LIKE Operator
  - Escaping the Wildcard Character
  - Combining the NOT operator
  - Handling NULL
  - Summary
Chapter 3: Query Output
  - Column Aliases
  - Expressions
  - Limiting the Number of Rows
  - The DISTINCT Keyword
  - Aggregate Functions
  - The CASE expression
  - Ordering Output Rows
  - Storing Query Output
  - Summary
Chapter 4: Grouping
  - The GROUP BY Clause
  - The HAVING Keyword
  - Summary
Chapter 5: Joins
  - Primary Keys and Foreign Keys
  - Querying Multiple Tables
  - Using Table Aliases
  - Joining More than Two Tables
  - Outer Joins
  - Self-Joins
  - Multiple Uses of A Table
  - Natural Joins
  - Summary
Chapter 6: Subqueries
  - Single-Row Subqueries
  - Multiple-Row Subqueries
  - Multiple Nested Subqueries
  - Correlated Subqueries
  - Summary
Chapter 7: Compound Queries
  - Summary
Chapter 8: Views
  - Creating and Using Views
  - Nested Views
  - Managing Views
  - Summary
Chapter 9: Built-in Functions
  - Numeric Functions
  - Character Functions
  - Datetime Functions
  - NULL-related functions
  - Summary
Chapter 10: PL/SQL
  - Row-by-row Processing
  - If-Then-Else Decision Logic
  - Exception Handling
  - User-defined Functions
  - Summary
Chapter 11: The Data Dictionary
  - The Dictionary View
  - The User_Catalog View
  - The User_Tab_Cols View
  - The User_Procedures View
  - The User_Source View
  - Summary
Appendix A: Installing Oracle Database XE
  - Downloading Oracle Database XE
  - Installing Oracle Database XE
  - Creating a User with SQL*Plus
Appendix B: Oracle Built-in Data Types
Appendix C: Indexes
  - Creating an Index
  - Multi-Column Indexes
  - Bitmap Indexes
  - Bitmap Join Indexes
  - Function-based Indexes
  - Deleting An Index
  - Summary