Introduction to Android Application Development
by Budi Kurniawan & Daniel Perry
ISBN: 9780992133009
$9.99, 148 pages
by Budi Kurniawan & Daniel Perry
ISBN: 9780992133009
$9.99, 148 pages

Android is the most popular mobile platform today, and this book is a gentle introduction to Android application development. You will learn how to create applications and use the Android APIs in the examples that accompany this book.
Table of Contents
Introduction - Overview - Online Reference - Downloading and Installing Java - Downloading and Installing Android Development Tools - About This Book - Downloading Program Examples Chapter 1: Your First Application - Creating An Application - The Android Manifest - Running An Application on An Emulator - Application Structure - Changing the Application Icon - Logging - Debugging An Application - Running on A Real Device - Upgrading the SDK - Summary Chapter 2: Activities - The Activity Lifecycle - ActivityDemo Example - Starting Another Activity - Summary Chapter 3: UI Components - Overview - Using the ADT Eclipse UI Tool - Using Basic Components - Layouts - Summary Chapter 4: Listeners - Overview - Example - Summary Chapter 5: The Action Bar - Overview - Adding Action Items - Adding Dropdown Navigation - Summary Chapter 6: Animation - Overview - Property Animation - Example - Summary Chapter 7: Handling the Handler - Overview - Example - Summary Chapter 8: The Media Recorder - MediaRecorder - Example - Summary Chapter 9: Asynchronous Tasks - Overview - Example - Summary